You Got This: Autonomy or Freedom? The Beginning of True Choice (74 min)

   You Got This Audio with Dr. Dain Heer

How much have you created yourself as separate and independent from others and the world, believing that's what you needed to do to have you, and take care of yourself?

What ifthat’s one of biggest lies ever perpetrated?

What if the autonomy you've been striving for is actually a trap that limits your receiving of everything and everyone, including you?

Let’s open the doors and allow the flow of the Universe to contribute in a totally different way. Welcome to the glorious space of oneness, awareness, joy, possibilities and genuine connection that’s now possible.

Are you ready for something different? This is a Universe changer!

Highly Recommended

To have taken the Access Consciousness Foundation class before listening

What's Included?

  • 74 Minute Audio MP3

Languages Available

  • English
  • Czech
  • French
  • German
  • Hungarian
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish

$97.00 USD

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