What if you are a magical creature — not a mental construct?
What if you are the space between the molecules?
And what if true magic is not a trick, what if it occurs from your very being - and is far greater than anything called magic in this reality?
You’re invited to a unique one-year program with Dain Heer where we together will explore that space between the molecules where miracles live.
We are the space of infinite possibilities.
We are a non-reality walking.
Now is our space, my beautiful friends.
Get Your Wand Ready!
Every month we will get together to dive deeper into the magic of being: once for a live ESB session and then again for a free-form exploration of life, living, the Earth, and everything.
Let’s allow the act of request to re-arrange the universe and actualize the miraculous creation that is indeed possible - for you, all of us, and the future.
Get your wand ready! It is waiting for you.