An ESC is a unique invitation to receive the gift that you can be in the world and the gift that the world can be for you.
Are you ready?
3 ESC audio recordings recorded live from the Access® 7-Day Event USA 2020.
"What if you didn’t have to worry because you knew that you were always supported - and the universe was always going to deliver?"
- Dain Heer
ESC 7-Day Bundle
If you were totally needless right now, what would be different in your life?
Get 2 products Bundled for huge savings!
Getting out of Need & Into Intimacy (video course) & You Got This: Dealing with Needy People.
"If you were totally needless right now, what would be different in your life?"
- Dain Heer
Unwinding You from NEED Bundle
What if I told you that the secret to creating luck and happiness lies in one thing: gratitude?
Gratitude is the single most powerful tool I’ve worked with, which has allowed me to create a life of total ease and joy.
"Gratitude is not something we do.
It's something we be!"
- Dain Heer
The Gratitude Bundle

Enjoy special offer bundles from the audio series, available via app, with your daily dose of consciousness, quick pick me ups, and reality benders from Dr. Dain Heer.

what contribution
can I be to you?"
- Dain Heer
Big ESB Session
"What if you truly being you are the gift, the change, and the possibility this world requires?"
- Dain Heer
Get a taste of the Energetic Synthesis of Communion and find out more about the You Got This audios.

"The biggest thing I've noticed so far ... is actually how much I really love life and living! How happy I truly am! How much energy and exuberance I actually have! This is what it is to BE ME........and I like it........a whole lot!!"
About The Energetic Synthesis Of Communion (ESC)

"You brilliant being... woke up and bought the Cranky Pants app like it was crack... First time I laughed and smiled in a few days!"
About You Got This:
Cranky Pants Be Gone!

"This is exactly what I required to face the day/week/situation as well as people! I listen to the audios regularly and they are awesome!
I got more space, I am not insane, my money mind stops running, I can go to sleep with ease! I double dog dare you to go for it!!!"
About You Got This!