What is the Energetic Synthesis of Being?
Have you ever wondered what the ESB is all about?
Enjoy this FREE video series with Dr. Dain Heer as he goes through some of the most asked questions about the Energetic Synthesis of Being. At the very end, you will even get a taste of the ESB Class!
Dr. Dain Heer invites you to discover the wonders of the ESB. This is not an airy-fairy concept, but an energetic path to lasting change.
Suddenly, the peace and ease you’ve been seeking your whole life, can become available, if you choose it!

What Is the Energetic Synthesis of Being?

How Does Dain Facilitate the ESB Class?

What Happens During an ESB Session?

The Evolution of the Energetic Synthesis of Being

Why is Foundation a Prerequisite for ESB?

Taste of ESB - A Live Class Experience